Hi vAdmins,
It’s a great time to start thinking about your IT roadmap and lifecycle management.
With the release of vCenter version 8 Update 1, a lot of new functionality becomes available right now!
vSphere 8 in a nutshell:
Enhance Operational Efficiency, Supercharge Workload Performance and Elevate Security.
New IA/GA model
VMware has changed the release model, starting from VMware vSphere 8.
All major releases will be delivered by a new IA/GA model.
vCenter releases are more frequent than ESXi, so our internal release processes run more often for vCenter, the changes between releases are more distributed, and there’s already a high customer and partner confidence in the upgrade process.

Figure 1: vSphere release cadence incorporating IA/GA
vSphere 8 update 1
For more information on vSphere 8 update 1, see my previous post: vSphere 8 update 1 What’s New.
End of this post.
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