Hi vAdmins,

Here is a new post aimed at excelling your VMware vRealize/Aria Operations skills for VMware Enterprise environments.

As December begins, the customer contact hours are dwindling, allowing me to shift my focus towards enhancing my technical skills. To make the most of this opportunity, I decided to enroll the VMWare vRealize/Aria Operations Advanced course, which is based on advanced use cases.

Course details

Gain comprehensive expertise, abilities, and resources in mastering the operation of VMware vRealize® Operations™ 8.X with this extensive training program. Equivalent to a 2-day course, participants will delve into advanced dashboard design and development, capacity principles, and real-world applications of the REST API.

Learning Objectives

  • Use the applications to group objects
  • Create the logical groups of objects in the vRealize Operations environment
  • Create and design advanced dashboards
  • Discuss about widgets and their settings
  • Define a vRealize Operations policy
  • Outline the components of a vRealize Operations policy
  • Create the custom alerts
  • Describe the troubleshooting workbench
  • Review the advanced capacity concepts
  • Discuss the what-if analysis scenarios
  • Describe how to integrate vRealize Operations with vRealize Log Insight
  • Import the vRealize Network Insight applications
  • Describe the super metrics use cases
  • Outline the vRealize Operations REST API architecture
  • Discuss the vRealize Operations traversal spec
  • Create and query the objects using the REST API


As you can see, there are many objectives covered in this training. Personally I think this selection is put very well together. Based on the (lab) exercises you will be able to create more structure, which will be reflected in better alerting and faster troubleshooting.

For example, correctly defining alert definitions, symptoms, recommendations, actions and notifications will contribute immensely to the stability of an IT environment proactive management instead of reactive, which can make all the difference in achieving the SLA!

The What-if scenarios for capacity management awareness. Consider planning concepts (potentially money saving ) and forecasting to determine if you will have sufficient capacity in the near-future.

See also my previous post(s) for additional information about capacity management and Optimize Capacity.

LAB environment

Participants are also given access to a dedicated LAB environment.

In my opinion, this compilation of objectives is excellently crafted, covering a wide range of topics. The exercises included will enable you to develop a more structured approach, ultimately enhancing your skills in problem-solving and alert management.

Training experience

I found this training very valuable. The scenarios discussed are very relevant for managing VMware Enterprise environments. The explanation and depth was very pleasant and insightful.

The instructor adeptly offers lucid explanations, and I’ve observed that the assignments designed for simulation in the LAB environment seamlessly align with all the scenarios.


In case you have the opportunity to follow a training course, this is always good for the development of your technical skills, but If you are responsible for managing a VMware Enterprise environment including VMware Aria/vRealize Operations, I definitely recommend this specific training! But also in case you intend to obtain a VCP exam for the certification “VMware Certified Professional – Cloud Operations 2023 (VCP-CO 2023)”, it is certainly worth investing in this specific course.


As described above, this training fits in very well with the preparation for the VCP exam VMware Certified Professional – Cloud Operations 2023 (VCP-CO 2023), based on the official certification path (see image below). Additionally, make sure to refer to the exam blueprint (certification preparation guide) and gain insights into the best strategies for preparing for this particular examination.

Perhaps this exam can be a good motivation to take this training!

Once all requirements have been met (passing the VCP exam), you are eligible for the VCP Cloud Operations 2023  Badge.

I hope the provided information was easily understandable, and if you plan on getting certified, I wish you the best of luck!

End of this post.

Disclaimer: Please note that the views expressed in this blog are solely my own and should be treated as personal opinions. This content does not hold any legal or authoritative standing.

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